Monday, May 17, 2010

It's The Final Countdown!!! (Plus your last assignment.)

1.  Presentations:  You will present on either Weds., Thurs., or Friday.  Be prepared.  Be well rehearsed.  Be professional.  Be prepared!!!  (200 points)
2.  Make sure that your social profile is up to date.  (25 points)
3.  Make sure that your team page is up to date.      (50 points)
4.  Make sure that your individual "My Projects" page is up to date.  (25 points)
5.  Make sure that your learning log is up to date. (50 points.)
6.  Make sure that your blog posts are up to date. (25 points)

And your final assignment:

After you have presented, please create a blog post that reflects on your work that you have accomplished in this class.  Blog posts must be multi paragraphed, provide links (not a website written out, but an actually hyperlink), pictures/video, and take a serious look on the work done.  This last blog post will be worth 75 points.  Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly or to be completed without thought.  All of this work must be finished by Tuesday afternoon.  You will have the evenings, weekend, and Monday and Tuesday in class to complete what you haven't finished. (75 points)

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